Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MS Beach Day on Wednesday, August 25

This is an all-day outing to Sunset Beach in Watsonville. The students will come to school at the regular time.

Each student must have a permission slip to attend this outing; permission slips are available from the front office. Most students have already returned them.

They will attend their first period class after which we will have special activities for the students until 10 am. At this time the students will load the buses for transportation to the beach.

At the Beach we will be serving hot dogs, chips, cookies, and a drink for lunch. If this is not an acceptable lunch for your child, he or she may bring a lunch from home. We will have cut carrots and celery with Ranch dressing for students who are vegetarian.

After lunch the students will have the opportunity to play on the Beach and go swimming. There will be a lifeguard on duty at the Beach. All girls are expected to have a one piece swimsuit or wear a T-shirt or sweatshirt over their two-piece suit.

Students may bring boogie boards or other equipment to play in the surf. If they ride the bus in the morning the student will need to get permission from the morning bus driver to store the equipment when they come to school on Wednesday. The buses will return to school by 3pm for the students who need to ride buses home after school.

If you would like to help on this day, please contact Mrs. Van Deusen at 831-722-8178 ext. 132 or e-mail rayblute@mvcs.org .