Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to School Night is August 31

Walk in your student's shoes at Back to School night on August 31. At 7:00pm, right after the ASB barbeque, parents will check in at the high school gym for a quick welcome.

From there, until 9:00pm, you’ll follow your student’s schedule, going from class to class for a 10 minute presentation from each teacher.

We’ll have some ASB students outside to help you find your classrooms.

Because of the short periods, teachers won’t be able to answer your specific questions relating to your student that night, but you’ll have a chance to discuss these in depth at the Parent-Teacher Conferences in October.

After the last bell rings at 9:00pm, school is out, and all the teachers will head home to get a good night’s sleep before school starts bright and early in the morning.