Friday, August 27, 2010

Middle School Beach Day Photos

A great day at the Beach!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

God's Calling On Our Lives

Our Spiritual Emphasis Week chapels included special worship led by guest musician Amy Gottleib, and powerful messages delivered by Darwin Benjamin, from Truth Ministries, about God’s calling on our lives.

He encouraged us to treat each other with honor and respect, and showed us what the Bible says about sin and its consequences.

He shared how God’s grace is bigger than our sin, and that when we turn our lives over to Jesus, we get a new start through the Holy Spirit.

As students, faculty, and staff stepped up to pray together and to commit ourselves to walking with God, he challenged us to take a stand for our faith, without worrying about what others might think, and to reach out to the people around us.

And he reminded us each day, “God LOVES you!”

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MS Beach Day on Wednesday, August 25

This is an all-day outing to Sunset Beach in Watsonville. The students will come to school at the regular time.

Each student must have a permission slip to attend this outing; permission slips are available from the front office. Most students have already returned them.

They will attend their first period class after which we will have special activities for the students until 10 am. At this time the students will load the buses for transportation to the beach.

At the Beach we will be serving hot dogs, chips, cookies, and a drink for lunch. If this is not an acceptable lunch for your child, he or she may bring a lunch from home. We will have cut carrots and celery with Ranch dressing for students who are vegetarian.

After lunch the students will have the opportunity to play on the Beach and go swimming. There will be a lifeguard on duty at the Beach. All girls are expected to have a one piece swimsuit or wear a T-shirt or sweatshirt over their two-piece suit.

Students may bring boogie boards or other equipment to play in the surf. If they ride the bus in the morning the student will need to get permission from the morning bus driver to store the equipment when they come to school on Wednesday. The buses will return to school by 3pm for the students who need to ride buses home after school.

If you would like to help on this day, please contact Mrs. Van Deusen at 831-722-8178 ext. 132 or e-mail .

Thursday, August 19, 2010

MVCS Newsletter August 19, 2010

Click on the Newsletter for live links to "more..." so you can get all of the details for each story.

The full size version is also easier to print!

Spiritual Emphasis Week Chapels

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during Spiritual Emphasis Week, we’ll have Chapel every day, with Darwin Benjamin as the featured speaker.

He brings a testimony of hope, change, and love that comes from the personal relationship we have in Jesus. He came for one day last year, and we liked him so much that we invited him back for three days this year.

Worship will be led by guest musician Amy Gottlieb and her band, who also did a great job last year.

Freshmen through seniors will meet at the same time, instead of being split into two Chapel periods.

You can visit Darwin Benjamin’s website at Hear a sample of Amy Gottleib’s music on YouTube.

"To Save a Life" Movie August 20

On Friday night, all high school students are invited to campus to watch the movie “To Save a Life” from 7:30-9:30pm.

This movie asks the question, “What is my life going to be about?” and covers some of the tough issues that high school students have to deal with.

We’ll have a huge screen and chairs set up outside next to the volleyball court, so dress warm and bring a blanket. Popcorn, sodas, and snacks will be on sale.

The movie is appropriate for audiences who are high school age or older, and parents are welcome.

You can see a preview of “To Save a Life” on YouTube

Senior Retreat on August 20

On Friday, August 20, seniors will go on the Senior Retreat from 8:30am to 1:40pm at Green Valley Christian Center.

Tom and Robin Van Kampen will be there to talk with students about how they can make a difference during their senior year. At the Champion Center church in Las Vegas where the Van Kampens serve, they’ve committed themselves to leadership development to transform the world.

You can visit the Champion Center website at
The senior retreat will be a great time to build relationships, and even includes a free tri-tip lunch.

Back to School Night is August 31

Walk in your student's shoes at Back to School night on August 31. At 7:00pm, right after the ASB barbeque, parents will check in at the high school gym for a quick welcome.

From there, until 9:00pm, you’ll follow your student’s schedule, going from class to class for a 10 minute presentation from each teacher.

We’ll have some ASB students outside to help you find your classrooms.

Because of the short periods, teachers won’t be able to answer your specific questions relating to your student that night, but you’ll have a chance to discuss these in depth at the Parent-Teacher Conferences in October.

After the last bell rings at 9:00pm, school is out, and all the teachers will head home to get a good night’s sleep before school starts bright and early in the morning.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BBQ Dinner Before Back to School Night on August 31

Parents and teachers are invited to come to Back to School Night a little early on Tuesday, August 31, and enjoy a tasty barbeque dinner outside the entrance to the high school gym, sponsored by the ASB.

Dinner will be from 5:00 to 6:30pm, and will cost just $6 for burgers, chips, drink, and dessert.

After dinner, you’ll be ready to follow your student’s schedule and meet our great teachers and parents.

Student athletes who are on campus after practice are welcome to come.

The funds raised will support ASB activities throughout the year.

Varsity Cheerleaders Sweep Cheer Camp Awards

At the Summer Cheer Camp hosted by the National Cheerleaders Association at UCSC on July 31-August 3, our MVCS Varsity Cheerleaders swept nearly all the trophies. MVCS was the most decorated squad at the camp.

The squad included seniors Ashlyn Callison, Ashley Jones, and Dominique Roy; juniors Alex Aldridge, Paige Williams, Sara Reichel, Cassidy Pahl, and Sabrina Rose; sophomores Hayley Peterson, Juliana Hennig; and freshman Jordan Souza. Two other seniors on the Varsity Squad, Soo Jin Hwang and Catherine Yang, were not in attendance.

In addition to the awards earned by the team, Coach Estee Martin was awarded the Herkie Award for Coaches, for the one coach exhibiting overall unity, spirit, and leadership in coaching. During camp, Coach also passed the test to be a certified coach through the National Cheerleading Association (NCA).

“To those who’ve watched Coach Martin coach, this was no surprise, and clearly was based on Coach Martin’s love for God, her excellent coaching ability, her great big heart, and her love for these girls,” said Sheila Peterson, a mom who was there to support the team.

In addition to Spirit Sticks and Ribbons earned during the week, our Varsity Cheer Squad was also awarded: (1) the HERKIE TEAM PLAQUE, awarded to the one cheer squad that shows true team spirit, unity, and leadership throughout camp week; (2) the CHAMPION CHANT TROPHY, and (3) the GAME TIME TOP TEAM TROPHY, both presented for the cheer squad’s ability to motivate the crowd with their chants at game time; and (4) the MOTION AWARD, presented to the Cheer Squad with the most precise, sharp, and exact movements, and stunts.
The most prestigious award given at camp, however, is (5) the NCA SPIRIT AWARD MEGAPHONE. This award is voted on by all the cheer squads present at camp, and is awarded to the squad who has added the most spirit to the camp during the entire week. Not surprisingly, the MVCS Mustangs Varsity Cheer Team was presented with the NCA SPIRIT MEGAPHONE, for the second year in a row, which is a great tribute to the ability of the girls to befriend, assist, and give to others, even when competing against them for top honors.

We’re proud of our 2010-2011 Varsity Cheer Squad, as they have exhibited their motto “One Team, One Dream,” and will continue to “Cheer from the Heart” in the upcoming school year.

--As reported by Mrs. Sheila Peterson

Monday, August 16, 2010

Middle School Information Letter 8/13/10

Click on the image for a full size printable version.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Senior Sleepover in the Parking Lot on August 15

Seniors who would like to reserve a parking spot are invited to the annual Senior Sleepover on Sunday, August 15. Click on the flyer for more details!