Friday, October 4, 2013

Baptisms Oct. 15

On Tuesday, October 15th, we will be having a guest chapel speaker named Tim Reilly, the Associate Pastor at Morgan Hill Bible Church. He will also be bringing the worship team from Morgan Hill Bible.

After chapel, we will have an opportunity for students to be baptized in water (during lunch).  We are excited to offer this opportunity and hope that students will prayerfully consider the option (especially if they are believers who have never been baptized).  If your son or daughter is interested in this public declaration of faith, please contact me.  I can connect him or her with an advisor here on campus to walk through what it means to be baptized.  Also, please know that we would love to partner WITH your church; if you have a pastor or youth pastor who would like to baptize your son or daughter, that would be wonderful.  However, in the absence of arrangements made, Tim Reilly will be available to conduct the baptisms.

We encourage parents, friends, and families to join us for this joyful occasion.  Water baptism is an important and beautiful part of the Christian faith; so even if your child is not being baptized, you are welcome to come share this day with us. Chapel will begin at 11:20 and conclude with baptisms at 12:20.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Lonzo Caves, ASB Director, Chapel Coordinator