Thursday, May 3, 2012

Middle School Students of the Month for March

We would like to honor the following Middle School students for their excellent conduct and academic achievement during the month of March. Each teacher is allowed to select one student per month for recognition.

Front row (L to R):  Hannah Hansen (Mr. Chiaramonte), Leah Hamilton (Mr. Mazerik), Vivien Hall (Mrs. Medina)

Back row (L to R):  Katie Minarik (Mr. Kmetovic), Taylor Maloy (Mrs. Urabe), Mr. Blute, Brendan Simon (Mrs. Goble), Austin Gudgel (Mrs. Richards), Zach Williams (Mrs. Selck), Lily Bouch (Mrs. Johnson).

Not pictured:  Matthew Smith (Mrs.Myer), Mason Mazza (Mrs. Schwerdtfeger), Zachary Toler (Mrs. Renard).