Thursday, May 24, 2012

No Buses Will Run on Friday, May 25

Because there are no classes on Friday, there will be no bus service.  Middle School parents may want to organize carpools to deliver their students to campus at 8am for the Promotion Rehearsal.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Finals Week Bus Schedule May 21-24

Finals Week Bus Schedule May 2012
There will be a special bus schedule during Finals Week, May 21-24, 2012.  Please click on the link above to see the full schedule.

No buses will run on Friday, May 25, 2012.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Middle School Students of the Month for April

We would like to honor the following Middle School students for their excellent conduct and academic achievement during the month of April. Each teacher is allowed to select one student per month for recognition.

Front Row: Maddie Gullen (Mrs. Goble), Kelsey Gehl (Mr. Mazerik), Caleb Pierce (Mrs. Medina), Mattea Romo (Mrs. Schwerdtfeger), Karina Blondin (Mrs. Renard) Kiersten Ginkle (Mrs. Urabe)
Back Row: Mr. Blute, Maddy Hendricks (Mrs. Myer), Matt Stephens (Mr. Chiaramonte), Haley Velocci (Mr. Blute), Donatella MacLeod (Mrs. Selck), Aaliyah Kirby (Mrs. Johnson), Vanessa Jennings (Mr. Stanton).

Monday, May 7, 2012

MVCS Cheer Interview on KSCO AM 1080 on Weds 5/9 at 7:24am

Tune in to KSCO radio AM 1080 on Wednesday, May 9, at 7:24am to hear sports reporter "KO" as she interviews some of the members of our award winning Cheer team.

Here's a YouTube link to a video of their interview on KSCO:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

MVCS Equestrian Champions

The Monte Vista Christian School Equestrian Team was the High Point Team in California for the 2011-12 season, and finished as Reserve Champions at the Interscholastic Equestrian Association Zones competition on March 31.

Monte Vista freshmen Maggie Maize and Katarina Ivanovich both won their individual classes, making them Zone Champions for all of California and Nevada. 

Middle School Students of the Month for March

We would like to honor the following Middle School students for their excellent conduct and academic achievement during the month of March. Each teacher is allowed to select one student per month for recognition.

Front row (L to R):  Hannah Hansen (Mr. Chiaramonte), Leah Hamilton (Mr. Mazerik), Vivien Hall (Mrs. Medina)

Back row (L to R):  Katie Minarik (Mr. Kmetovic), Taylor Maloy (Mrs. Urabe), Mr. Blute, Brendan Simon (Mrs. Goble), Austin Gudgel (Mrs. Richards), Zach Williams (Mrs. Selck), Lily Bouch (Mrs. Johnson).

Not pictured:  Matthew Smith (Mrs.Myer), Mason Mazza (Mrs. Schwerdtfeger), Zachary Toler (Mrs. Renard).