Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Special MVCS Chapel May 3

This year's Cardboard Testimonies and water baptisms were an exciting part of Chapel on May 3.

Since we started doing them several years ago, the Cardboard Testimonies are becoming a favorite tradition.

As each participant goes up to the front, he or she shows the first side of the cardboard, which tells something about their life before Christ. After everyone has read that side, the cardboard is flipped over to reveal how Christ has changed them.

At the water baptisms, several students chose adults who have had a spiritual influence on them to join them in the pool as they declared their new lives through baptism. The large gathering of students who were attending Chapel in the gym were able to be part of the event through a live video on the large screens.

To see many more photos of the Cardboard Testimonies and the water baptisms, please visit our Facebook page maintained by Mr. Sharp, by searching for his email address stephensharp@mvcs.org.