Saturday, July 21, 2012

NHS Applications

If you are a sophomore, junior, or senior, and your GPA is 3.65 or higher, you can apply for membership in the National Honor Society.  Forms are available here  You can also find them on our website under Academics/Academics Forms.

Print the two forms, fill them out, and return them to Student Services by September 10, 2012.  Your two letters of recommendation are also due then--one from a MVCS staff member and one from a community member--so be sure to allow enough time for those people to write them and give them to you in a sealed envelope by September 10.

If you have any questions, please talk to Mrs. Craton in the Student Services office.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Finished Your Summer Reading?

You finished your summer reading, right?  Check these pages to see the Summer Reading that was assigned:

High School Summer Reading

Middle School Summer Reading

You can also find these pages on our website under Academics/Summer Reading

Order Textbooks and eBooks

Visit our Textbooks page for information about which books you'll need and where to purchase them.

MVCS Textbooks

You can also find this information on our website under School/Departments/Business Office/Textbooks

Bus Registration

Select your bus stops on our easy new online bus registration form:

Bus Registration Page

You can also find it on our website by looking under School/Departments/Transportation Bus Info