Friday, February 18, 2011

MVCS Middle School Information Letter 2-18-11

Click on the image to see the February 18th MVCS Middle School News.

February 18 Newsletter for Monte Vista Christian School

Click on the image to see the full-size version of the February 18 newsletter.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monte Vista Christian School Honor Roll

Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students for 1st semester 2010-11!

Middle School Honor Roll 1st semester

Friday, February 11, 2011

MVCS Newsletter February 11

Click on the image for the full size version of the February 11 Newsletter.

MVCS Middle School News for 2 11 10

Click on the image to see the full size version of the February 11th Monte Vista Christian School Middle School News.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Get the full story behind the MarchTerm classes

Do you want to get more details about the March Term classes?

The red brochure has 30 words each. This list has the whole description that each teacher wrote, and also tells you what the code words are in Focus for when you go online to register.

Click on the image to read all about it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

MarchTerm at Monte Vista Christian School

The MarchTerm brochure is ready, along with a detailed catalog of the 70 classes. At the MarchTerm Assembly on February 8, the teachers will tell you (in 30 seconds) why their classes are going to be great. Click on the image to see what's being offered.

Get Your Gourmet Chocolate and Coffee

The Drama and Photo-graphy Clubs are selling gourmet chocolate and coffee--
click on the image to see the menu of what's available.

Makes a great Valentine's Day present!