Friday, October 22, 2010

MVCS October 22 Newsletter

Football game and Star Gazing party tonight! Lots more news in the latest MVCS Newsletter. Click on the image for a full size printable version.

MS News October 22

Here's the latest news from the Middle School! Click on the image for a full size printable version.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MarchTerm 2011 List of Trips Available

During MarchTerm, you can take exciting classes on campus, or join one of these unique trips.

Click on a page to see a larger version of the trip descriptions.

If you want to sign up for one of these trips, please email the teacher who is leading it by the deadline given.

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8 Newsletter

Click on the images to read the latest news!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Girls Golf is going to Pebble Beach

The Mustang Girls Golf team is now 7 -1 this season, after defeating Salinas and Gilroy on October 4 at the Spring Hills golf course right next door.

Caroline Belmont (daughter of Cassie Belmont, who heads the Monte Vista Equestrian Program), led the MVCS team and the match, shooting the low round of 39. The team scores for that match were:

Monte Vista Christian School 248
Salinas 254
Gilroy 315

Our next match is on October 7 at the legendary Spyglass Hill golf course in Pebble Beach. The game is a three-way match vs. Stevenson vs. Santa Catalina.

Congrats to the team, and to coaches Peter Galea and Jan Renard!