Thursday, April 29, 2010

What's up with the iPads?

We’re one of the first schools in the country to try a pilot program for using iPads in the classroom, and we want to let you know more about it. Here are some questions and answers that will give you a good look at what’s happening. It’s an exciting venture!

iPad questions and answers

Why did Monte Vista decide to buy iPads?
• Trying innovative technology that adds new and exciting learning opportunities is an expression of our core value of Excellence as we prepare our students to be world-changers

How many do you have?
• We’re using 70 in our pilot high school program.
• Three high school classrooms have received a set of iPads large enough to provide one for each student in the largest class that meets in that room.
• More than 200 students use these iPads during the day, as class periods rotate in and out of those classrooms. The iPads stay in the classrooms.
• The courses using the iPads include Human Anatomy and Physiology (regular and Honors); Chemistry in the Community; English II; Advanced Placement English; World History, Sociology, and Advanced Placement European History.

How are you paying for them?
• This year we’re starting a new program that rents the campus to outside groups over the summer, which is generating new income.
• Capital funds have been set aside for educational projects.
• Currently we buy paper textbooks each year for classroom use at $50 to $100 each; the electronic versions are about $35 each, so we will save thousands of dollars on our textbook purchases over time.

What are some of the physical advantages of iPads?
• The 1.5 pound iPads are lighter weight than textbooks—one iPad can replace 5 or 6 heavy textbooks (which can total 20 pounds or more).
• They’re less expensive than sets of printed textbooks for the school and for families.
• The give access online to free Gutenberg Project books that students use in their classes.
• Students are able to use the wi-fi connections available throughout the campus.
• There’s no wall between students and teachers like there is with desktop or laptop screens.
• The iPads encourage “green” stewardship of natural resources—they save trees used for making textbooks and they reduce the number of worksheets, etc., that are printed.

What are some of the academic advantages of iPads?
• The new technology and graphics are engaging for the students.
• Teachers have new access to photos, videos, daily newspapers, and resource materials that enhance the curriculum.
• They allow students to record interactive assignments with classmates
• They offer new ways to practice for the AP exams
• They support additional differentiation for learning styles
• The digital content can seamlessly be integrated into the text. Instead of a standard picture, it can be a video clip or a game to reinforce learning.
• Practice problems can be done on the iPad with the correct answer being shown and explained if the student did it wrong
• Textbooks can be updated every year instead of the usual 3-year cycle
• Students can access digital textbook subscriptions from home on their other devices.

Do the teachers like them?
• They are excited about the wide variety of material available to supplement the textbooks
• They are finding the iPads useful for assessing their students’ progress
• They appreciate the options for in-class collaboration
• They’re learning from each other and their students, and are excited about future uses

Do the students like them?
• They’re enjoying learning how to use the latest technology
• They are enthusiastic about the many applications that are being used to enrich the curriculum
• Many find that note-taking is more efficient when typing

What are some of the electronic applications you’re using?
• Textbooks
• Workbooks
• Testing materials
• Biology videos
• Online research
• English readers like Shakespeare’s plays
• Recording lectures and note-taking

Have you had any problems with them?
• We’d like even more apps—we’re glad they are being added daily to iTunes store
• The screens tend to pick up finger smudges, so we’re using microfiber eyeglass cloths to keep them clean!

Stephen J. Sharp
Monte Vista Christian School

2 School Way,
Watsonville, CA 95076

Sunday, April 25, 2010

King & Queen Prom 2010

Ric La Febre King - Nicolle Adams Queen

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Twelve colleges are inviting Jay to enroll

Jay (Jai-ho) Jung has done well on his college applications. He’s been accepted to 12 prestigious colleges and universities so far!

All of these schools want him to attend: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, Emory University-Oxford College, Wake Forest University, College of William and Mary, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Wisconsin at Madison, and Babson College-Massachusetts.

Great work, Jay!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The first of our 50 iPads are here, and they're just as cool as they look in the Apple ads! Staff members are lining up for a chance to help test them thoroughly to be sure they'll be ready for the pilot classrooms on Monday. You can hear them saying "Wow!" "Amazing!" and "Let me try that!" from their offices up and down the Administration building hallways.

When the iPads go into Mr. Schwager's and Mrs. Armstrong's classrooms next week, they'll have the textbooks that our publishers have made available, and interesting apps that go along with the curriculum.

Our IT department has been working tirelessly to get everything ready. They've also discovered that an iPad makes an elegant photo frame, as you can see here.

Baseball News

April 6:

Andy Muller pitched a no-hitter against Capuchino on April 6 for a 5-0 win.

April 3:

Monte Vista 11, Half Moon Bay 8

Zach Miller was the winning pitcher as Adam Daich had three runs and two RBIs, Sam Thorne had three hits and drove in two runs, Josh Woida had two hits and scored three runs, PT Nava had two hits and scored two runs, and Austin Daich had two hits and drove in three runs.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Great Chapel on Thursday